3 girls, aged 13 and 14, arrested for drug abuse
By – Thiruselvam
Three teenage girls were arrested for abusing Ice after they admitted to consuming drugs together on some occasions, said the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) on Feb 8. One of them is aged 14 and the other two are aged 13.
On Feb 6, officers arrested the 14-year-old girl for suspected drug abuse at her home, where they found a stained packet after a search of her room.
After that, the officers arrested the girl’s two friends at their homes. Equipment for using drugs were also seized from the home of one of the 13-year-olds.
Preliminary investigations showed that the 14-year-old started abusing methamphetamine, commonly known as Ice, a year ago. She last consumed the drug about a week before her arrest, at her home with the two friends, CNB said.
One of the 13-year-old girls began using the drug out of curiosity after watching her friends doing so.
Furthermore, a drug user’s own home or a friend’s home were the most commonly cited locations for drug consumption, and curiosity was one of the more common reasons for drug abuse.
Mr Sng also urged parents to constantly remind their children not to be tempted or pressured by their friends into consuming drugs, as drug abuse can have lasting consequences.
Investigations on all the three girls are ongoing.