Scrapping BM grade rule over DLP could undermine national language, says group

Scrapping BM grade rule over DLP could undermine national language, says group

Scrapping BM grade rule over DLP could undermine national language, says group
Since 2016, schools have had the option to teach science and mathematics subjects in English. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: A group representing Muslim teachers has rejected the proposal by the Parents’ Education Action Group (PAGE) to scrap the national average grade for Bahasa Melayu in all schools, citing concerns about weakening students’ proficiency in their mother tongue.

Ikatan Guru Muslim Malaysia (iGuru) president Azizee Hasan said removing the BM grade requirement would not solve existing issues but create new problems, such as marginalising the use of the national language in vernacular schools.

“The requirement for schools to meet the average grade does not hinder the implementation of DLP, but ensures that efforts to uphold BM within the national education curriculum are respected,” he told FMT.

“It’s a fair and suitable rule. Schools must ensure proficiency in both BM and the mother tongue, while also improving English proficiency simultaneously.”

On Wednesday, PAGE chairman Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said the average grade rule is “more self-destructive than progressive as most schools become ineligible for DLP”.


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Azimah pointed out that more than 40,000 SPM students had failed their English exams last year, as opposed to the 9,306 who failed BM.

Currently, only 10% of primary schools in Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia offer DLP, and among them, only one class is typically allocated for the programme.

Since 2016, schools have had the option to teach science and mathematics subjects in English.

However, a new directive from the education ministry now mandates that schools ensure at least one class uses BM or the mother tongue as the medium of instruction. Schools must also demonstrate proficiency in BM to meet the national average standard.

According to an education ministry circular issued early this year, Year 6 students in primary schools and vernacular schools must attain 70% mastery in BM or their mother tongue in classroom assessments and a grade D, or better, in their year-end exams.


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Meanwhile, secondary schools must either meet or exceed the national average for BM from the previous year, or demonstrate an improved performance in the subject for three consecutive years.

Azizee added that mastering science and mathematics subjects does not solely depend on strong English skills, as these subjects can be mastered in other languages like BM.

“Everyone needs to understand that the DLP aims to teach science and mathematics in English, not just to enhance English language proficiency,” he said.

“There are many ways and methods to master English.”

Scrapping BM grade rule over DLP could undermine national language, says group




Menteri Undang undang mesti tangani Isu Johor dengan segera – Datuk Tengku Putera.

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