Zaid urges Sarawak to take lead in national politics

Zaid urges Sarawak to take lead in national politics

Zaid urges Sarawak to take lead in national politics
Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim said Sarawak should no longer be content with just joining any grouping in the peninsula.

PETALING JAYA: Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has urged Sarawak to take the lead in national politics and become a beacon of hope for the nation’s future in the face of persistent socio-political problems.

“The good Malaysians left in the 1970s to join the Singapore civil service, which proved pivotal in its development.

“Teachers, professionals, and even skilled workers – like the Malaysia Airlines maintenance staff – are opting to leave as part of this ongoing migration,” he said in a post on X.

According to Zaid, Malaysia has been declining for 50 years, partly as a result of the focus on race, religion and royalty (3R) issues.

He said Jakim officers are now being asked to monitor and ensure all activities in government departments are shariah-compliant, emphasising the growing religious policing in daily life.


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However, religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar had said there is no plan to place Jakim officers in government departments to influence policy, adding that they have been so placed to organise Islamic religious programmes.
Yesterday, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) expressed concern over the move.

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It said Jakim’s “encroachment” into the public sphere may be unconstitutional as it could affect the fundamental rights guaranteed to all Malaysians.

Zaid also said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission needs more integrity officers to curb graft.

“The solution is no longer to be found in the peninsula. Sarawak’s leadership needs to be the determinant of national leadership,” he said.


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He said Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg and the state’s leaders can no longer be content with just joining any grouping decided by the peninsula.

“Sarawak must proactively decide which peninsular grouping has policies suitable for Malaysia’s future.

“Sarawak has to join that grouping and not be satisfied just with forming the majority.  And Sarawak has to lead the recovery before it is too late,” he said.

Zaid urges Sarawak to take lead in national politics




PN Bantah Syarat Isytihar Harta Dalam MoU


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