Meeting with interfaith council put off, says religious affairs minister

Meeting with interfaith council put off, says religious affairs minister

Meeting with interfaith council put off, says religious affairs minister
Religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar and national unity minister Aaron Ago Dagang were instructed to meet with the interfaith council to clarify the issue of Jakim officers being placed in government departments. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: The meeting between religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar, national unity minister Aaron Ago Dagang and an interfaith council to clarify the placement of Islamic development department (Jakim) officers in government departments has been postponed.

Na’im said the postponement was due to Aaron’s inability to attend the meeting scheduled for this afternoon, Berita Harian reported.

“Aaron asked for the meeting to be rescheduled,” he was quoted as saying.

“Since he cannot attend today, we will find a new date that works for both of us.”

Na’im had planned to meet with the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) today at about 3pm.


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This came after Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim ordered Na’im and Aaron to meet the council to hear their views and clear the air on the placement of Jakim officers in government departments.

MCCBCHST had argued that such a role for Jakim officers would fall outside the constitutional scope of the role of Islam as interpreted by the courts.

Na’im has clarified that Jakim officers are not being assigned to influence policy but rather to organise Islamic religious programmes.

Government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil previously said the policy for placing Jakim officers had been in place since 2007 and no placements had occurred recently. He said the issue appeared to stem from a misunderstanding.

Meeting with interfaith council put off, says religious affairs minister



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