‘Let him be the only one who is strong’- Anwar on Hadi’s remarks

‘Let him be the only one who is strong’- Anwar on Hadi’s remarks

'Let him be the only one who is strong'- Anwar on Hadi's remarks
Anwar when met after performing Friday prayers at Masjid Al-Iman here today.

KAJANG – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim refused to entertain the rantings and remarks by Pas President Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang labelling the Malay-Muslim leadership in the government as weak.

“It’s okay, let him be the only one who is strong,” he said cynically when met after performing Friday prayers at Masjid Al-Iman here today.

In his remarks at the 65th Pas Youth Assembly in Kerdau, Temerloh, yesterday, the Marang Member of Parliament claimed that Malay-Muslim leaders in the government were weak and unable to control their fellow non-Muslim leaders, including in the halal certification issue.

He said this has caused the non-Muslim leaders in the government to become arrogant. – BERNAMA


‘Let him be the only one who is strong’- Anwar on Hadi’s remarks



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