With extra facilities and SEZ looming, Johoreans can’t complain, says PM

With extra facilities and SEZ looming, Johoreans can’t complain, says PM

With extra facilities and SEZ looming, Johoreans can’t complain, says PM
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Johor is being provided with additional facilities which are not accorded to Penang or Perak.

PETALING JAYA: Major infrastructure developments such as the rapid transit system (RTS) link project and the Johor-Singapore special economic zone (JS-SEZ) give Johoreans little reason to complain, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said.

“Singapore and Johor collaborations, of course, receive strong endorsement from the federal government, with incentives from both governments for the economic zone, as well as the RTS. That is a priority.

“Johoreans can’t complain because we are providing these additional facilities, (which are) not even accorded to my state Penang, or Perak,” he said at a joint press conference with Singapore prime minister, Lawrence Wong, in Putrajaya today.

Anwar said the government was close to finalising the JS-SEZ agreement, which is due to be signed by the prime ministers during the 11th Malaysia-Singapore leaders’ retreat later this year.

Wong said he is confident the JS-SEZ “has all the key ingredients to make a very successful zone”.


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He said Singapore is open to hearing new proposals from Malaysia, or reviving previous agreements such as the high-speed rail (HSR) project.

“(The priority now is) to build good relations with my counterpart. Trust is everything. When there is trust between leaders, much can be achieved,” he said, adding it would serve as a message to ministers and officials of both countries to negotiate outstanding issues in the right spirit.

On Monday, the regent of Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, called for federal reform in which Johor would be treated as a partner, not a state – much like Sabah and Sarawak.

He also hoped that in future, 20% to 30% of Johor’s revenue would be ploughed back into the state, adding that the state generated at least RM48 billion in taxes but only received RM1.4 billion in federal funding.

Anwar and Wong reiterated their commitment to resolving the longstanding issues of water, airspace and maritime boundaries.


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Anwar said differences between the two countries would not deter them from seeking avenues to resolve the issues.

“We need to resolve them; there’s no way to get out of it. We, as good neighbours, need to do this.

“I am a bit ambitious, and I want to showcase to the world how good neighbours interact,” he said.

Anwar also said he had discussed with Wong the possibility of having Singaporean teachers sent to teach in Malaysia.

“We did discuss the possibility of Singapore considering my humble submission of sending teachers to teach English or some other subjects to many regions in this country,” he said.

Wong arrived in Malaysia last night for a two-day working visit at Anwar’s invitation. This is his inaugural visit to Malaysia as prime minister, after he was sworn in on May 15.

With extra facilities and SEZ looming, Johoreans can’t complain, says PM



Ibu Bapa Allahyarham Zayn Rayyan Di Bawa Ke Mahkamah


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