Zahid urges coalition partners to forgive and forget
Zahid urges coalition partners to forgive and forget

GOMBAK: Deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has called for coalition partners in the unity government to reconcile their differences, in the spirit of Ramadan.
Zahid said he did not want the community to become subject to certain groups. “What’s more, when there are people who think they are more Islamic than others but quote verses from the Quran and hadith according to their own taste.
“We must forget all that, differences of colour must be set aside. What’s important is unifying the community, unity of thought and conscience,” he said.
He said for 15 years, the components of the unity government “wore different colours” but were now “in the same mix”.
“We remain respectful of past differences if they still exist. What is important is that there is the unification of ideas or thoughts among us, for the sake of political stability, in Selangor and the whole country.”
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Zahid urges coalition partners to forgive and forget
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