Sabah Airport flooded with Korean tourists

Sabah Airport flooded with Korean tourists

Sabah Airport flooded with Korean tourists
The situation at KKIA was seen to be crowded by the arrival of South Korean tourists on Wednesday night.

KOTA KINABALU – The continuous arrival of over 1,000 South Korean tourists at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) on Wednesday night sparked chaos at the airport.

Sabah Tourism Culture, and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew said that the situation occurred due to five South Korean airlines landing at the airport in close succession.

“I have been informed by KKIA management that all 10 immigration counters were open that night.

“I have also received feedback from players in the tourism industry and members of the business community who witnessed the situation that the restroom facilities at the airport were insufficient,” she said in a statement on Friday.

In light of this, Christina urged Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (MASB) to expedite the upgrading of facilities at KKIA as there was an urgent need to extend the terminal at the airport.


“We need more immigration counters, and I believe a reorganization of the counters is necessary to reduce congestion and facilitate the clearance process,” she said.

Christina also expressed her disappointment that the early warnings of this phenomenon before the expected reopening of international borders were not taken seriously by the relevant authorities.

Therefore, she called on KKIA management to start work immediately by enhancing the existing facilities to cope with the influx of international and domestic tourists.

Prior to this, Christina was informed that MASB has allocated RM8.4 million to upgrade facilities at KKIA.

An amount of RM1.4 million from the allocation would be used to improve public restrooms at the airport by adding more cubicles, while the rest would be used for other upgrading projects.

This includes runway resurfacing, upgrading commercial lots, and the Public Announcement (PA) system.

Sabah Airport flooded with Korean tourists




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