Two padi mini-estates being developed in Sabah

Two padi mini-estates being developed in Sabah

Two padi mini-estates being developed in Sabah
Two padi mini-estates being developed in Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Two mini-estates for padi cultivation are being fast-tracked by the Farmers’ Association Board in Sabah in an effort to increase rice production.

Its deputy director-general Amir Matamin said the 150ha mini-estates will be implemented in the east coast Terusan Sapi area in Beluran district and Kampung Kabatasan in northern Pitas.

He said the project was made possible through allocations in 2021 and last year, and is aimed at increasing rice production while helping farmers organise their planting and harvesting.

“We hope Sabah will see an increase in rice yield with the two projects and farmers also increase their income,” he said Friday (Oct 13) after a briefing on the mini-estates’ development.

Amir said the board was also involved in the Large-Scale Smart Padi Project (Smart SBB) which emphasises the systematic management of padi cultivation.

At the same time, he said it also provided facilities and equipment like machinery to help rice farmers increase production.

He said this year, the board had received 23 new tractors and padi cultivation equipment.

“Under the 12th Malaysia Plan, we are really focusing on mechanisation and automation,” he said.

The board had been allocated RM4.9mil for this year for agricultural development programmes, he added.

Two padi mini-estates being developed in Sabah



Bagaimana Kartel Padi Menghisap Darah Rakyat

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