Fahmi: US embassy confirms no sanction on Malaysia

Fahmi: US embassy confirms no sanction on Malaysia

Fahmi: US embassy confirms no sanction on Malaysia
Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said he received confirmation from the United States Embassy that the viral message about the US imposing sanctions on Malaysia was fake. Pic Taken from Fahmi Fadzil’s Facebook

KUALA LUMPUR: A viral report stating that the United States imposed a sanction on Malaysia is fake, said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

“I received the viral message which alleged that Malaysia is the first Asean country to have a sanction imposed by the United States.

“Based on the denial issued by the Reuters Press Team on X, and confirmation I received from the United States Embassy, I can confirm that this viral message is fake,” said Fahmi, who is also the unity government spokesman.

He said this on his official Facebook.

Reuters had earlier denied publishing a report which stated that Malaysia is the first country in Southeast Asia to be listed by the US as a state sponsor of terrorism.

This was according a news flash on Bernama.

Fahmi: US embassy confirms no sanction on Malaysia




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