Setapak PPR folk protest management’s mini market plan

Setapak PPR folk protest management’s mini market plan

Setapak PPR folk protest management’s mini market plan
Affa says they need the mayor’s help once again.

PLANS to build a mini market at the Desa Rejang People’s Housing Project (PPR) in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, have upset traders.

They staged a protest as they were concerned such an enterprise at the PPR would drive them out of business.

PPR Desa Rejang Residents Association chairman Affa Syaripuddin said the market was to be built at the multi-storey carpark.

He said residents found out about the joint management body’s plan after they noticed construction workers moving in equipment.

“We did not receive any notice nor were we consulted about the issue,” he said during the protest.


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He urged Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Kamarul-zaman Mat Saleh to intervene, noting that this was the second time the issue had surfaced.

Affa said a meeting was held on June 14, 2022, between Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officials and residents.

“We succeeded in getting the plan to build the mini market shelved at the time.

“We proposed for a kindergarten, clinic or community hall to be built at the site,” he said.

PPR Desa Rejang has 12 blocks, with some 100 traders running various small businesses such as sundry shops.

The strata residence is currently managed by a body appointed by DBKL’s Commissioner of Buildings.

Nazera Md Naser, who runs a grocery store, said existing traders should be given priority to run businesses in the area.

“Don’t offer such an opportunity to an outsider without consulting us,” she said, adding that existing shops already catered to residents’ needs.

Another grocery store owner, Saayah Abdul Rahman expressed concern that existing businesses would not be able to compete with the prices offered by the mini market.

“Our businesses are barely staying afloat and it will get worse if the mini market opens,” she said.

DBKL had yet to comment on the issue at press time.

Setapak PPR folk protest management’s mini market plan



Muhyiddin Jangan Hipokrit Dalam Isu Subsidi Bersasar

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