Aug 26 : Trial of Shamsubahrin’s case for sending offensive communications

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 Jun  — The Sessions Court has set Aug 26 to hear the case of businessman Datuk Shamsubahrin Ismail, who is facing two counts of  making and spreading statements over the prosecution of cases for defying the Movement Control Order (MCO)  that are conducive to public mischief  through his Facebook.

Judge M. M. Edwin Paramjothy fixed the date after deputy public prosecutor Annur Atiqah Abd Hadi informed the court that the prosecution had submitted documents for the trial to the defence when the case came up for mention today.

“The prosecution will be calling five witnesses,” she said.

The court also set July 28 for mention.

Lawyer Mohd Haijan Omar represented Shamsubahrin.

Last May 8, Shamsubahrin, 54, pleaded not guilty to both charges.

On the first count, he was charged with improper use of the network facilities by knowingly uploading a video and initiating the transmission of offensive communications with an intent to annoy the feeling of others through his Facebook, with the profile name “Shamsubahrin Ismail” at 8.54 pm last April 20.

The link was read at the Cyber Crimes and Multimedia Investigations Division Office of the Commercial Crime Investigations Department, Bukit Aman police headquarters here, at 11 pm on the same day.

The charge was framed under Section 233(1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000, or up to a years’ jail, or both, if convicted.

On the second count, Shamsubahrin, the founder of the Big Blue Taxi Service, was charged under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code with making statements conducing to public mischief through his Facebook with intent to cause, or likely to cause fear or alarm to the public at the same time and date.

He faced an imprisonment for up to two years, with fine, or both, if found guilty.


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