Minister Behind PADU Makes Shocking Revelation, Says He No Longer Uses Instant Messaging

Minister Behind PADU Makes Shocking Revelation, Says He No Longer Uses Instant Messaging

Minister Behind PADU Makes Shocking Revelation, Says He No Longer Uses Instant Messaging
Minister Behind PADU Makes Shocking Revelation, Says He No Longer Uses Instant Messaging

“Just WhatsApp, no need to ask on Twitter.”

This was a suggestion given to Ong Kian Ming by a Twitter user when the former asked if he can also get a chance to “roast” Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli.

Rafizi is also the minister currently in charge of the rollout of the government’s central database hub called PADU.

Ong however “revealed” why he couldn’t just WhatsApp Rafizi, having to resort to Twitter.

“I can’t, been blocked for quite awhile now, haha..” Ong replied to @Hassanal_Yusoff who made the suggestion.

The former deputy international trade and industry minister later added that he was not the only one blocked as a few other colleagues including Liew Chin Tong had also allegedly been blocked by Rafizi on WhatsApp.

The whole “revelation” started when Ong replied to Farhan Akmal who had shared the first episode of Rafizi’s podcast project called Yang Bakar Menteri.

In the podcast, Rafizi was “grilled” by Twitter user @nazribiztalk.

“I’m a PH man too, can I get a chance to roast minister @rafiziramli?” Ong asked Farhan on Twitter.

Ong’s reply that he had been blocked on Whatsapp garnered various replies with someone suggesting that he try sending Rafizi an SMS.

Twitter account @StratCommPMX then chimed in saying Rafizi was no longer on WhatsApp.

Ong asked if Rafizi still has SMS.

Rafizi himself responded saying he has left instant messaging as it was better for his mental health.

Minister Behind PADU Makes Shocking Revelation, Says He No Longer Uses Instant Messaging





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