Who was it that wanted to renovate Sri Perdana?



Who was it that wanted to renovate Sri Perdana while the country is going through a rough patch?
This is a serious question that need to be viewed from various perspectives and not by only giving reasoning that the building need to be upgraded.
The project amounting to RM38.5 million actually can be postponed until the economy of the people and the country stabilizes.

Is upgrading the Sri Perdana that important to the people?
The reasoning that Sri Perdana must be upgraded as it is already at its 22nd year is too shallow as during the pandemic period, how many foreign leaders and diplomats that must be welcomed at the official resident of the Prime Minister?
In the mind of the people, a prestigious building such as the Sri Perdana must be under monthly maintenance by appointed contractors. The maintenance terms must be met by the contractors in order to achieve the standard that has been placed.
If a building has a small damage and needs to be repaired, that is the work of the maintenance contractor. Only big maintenance work requires separate  budget that needs to be approved first.
The upgrading work of Sri Perdana was approved in March 2021 and the work is expected to complete in December 2021.

According to information provided by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Duty), JKR prepared a maintenance work scope inclusive of wiring as well as leakage of the Sri Perdana Complex roof.

There weren’t any mentioning of furniture replacement or others in the statement.
Datuk Dr Abd Latiff Ahmad statement thus denied the allegations made towards Najib that he allegedly  brought out all of the furniture from Sir Perdana.
The question that needs to be answered is what is the company that was awarded the repairing contract of RM38.5 million?
 Is the company with the address of Pandan Indah the one that receives the contract?

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