Court reprimands Wan Saiful for being late for graft trial
Court reprimands Wan Saiful for being late for graft trial

KUALA LUMPUR: Tasek Gelugor MP Wan Saiful Wan Jan, who is facing two corruption charges, was reprimanded by the trial judge for coming late to court for his case today.
Sessions court judge Rozina Ayob asked the former Bersatu information chief for an explanation soon after he arrived at 9.30am with a group of supporters.
“Why are you late?” Rozina asked the accused, who was standing in the dock.
Wan Saiful said he left home at 7.15am and expected to arrive in court within 45 minutes.
Tendering his apology, he said: “It took almost two hours to arrive here today. I never expected the traffic to be bad today.”
Rozina said he should have planned his journey and hoped this will be “the first and last (time that he is late to court)”.
On Feb 21, Wan Saiful claimed trial before sessions court judge Azura Alwi to accepting a RM6.9 million bribe in relation to the Jana Wibawa initiative.
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He was also charged with soliciting an unspecified amount for a road project worth RM232 million linked to the programme.
Azura had fixed Wan Saiful’s mention for today.
Wan Saiful was originally scheduled to be charged before Rozina on Feb 21 but the judge was on leave.
Deputy public prosecutor Afif Ali informed Rozina that some of the documents which the prosecution intends to rely on at trial have been handed over to Wan Saiful’s lawyers.
“The rest will be served on them after documents are obtained from banks and the Companies Commission of Malaysia,” said Afif, who appeared with DPP Rashidah Murni Adzmi.
Lawyer Rosal Azimin Ahmad informed the judge that the defence would likely make representations to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to seek a review of the charges after getting all the documents.
Counsel Chetan Jethwani and Amir Aizat Abdul Rani are also appearing for Wan Saiful.
Rozina said she schedules trials to begin three months after an accused person is charged, with proceedings expected to conclude within nine months.
“That is our timeline,” she said.
The case was fixed for further mention on May 8.
Court reprimands Wan Saiful for being late for graft trial
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