License Revoked For Pandan Indah Restaurant After Rat Caught Eating Fried Chicken
License Revoked For Pandan Indah Restaurant After Rat Caught Eating Fried Chicken
Previously, a netizen saw a rat nibbling fried chicken inside the food display at a restaurant in Pandan Indah and the viral video caught the attention of the Health Ministry (KKM).
KKM requested help from the public to identify the restaurant concerned so action could be taken swiftly.
The next day (26 December), The Star reported that the restaurant’s license had been revoked by the local authorities effective immediately.
Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) president Mohd Fauzi Mohd Yatim said action will be taken if the restaurant continues to operate.
He added that any application for a new license will only be considered if all conditions, especially the cleanliness level, are complied with.
Based on inspection records, Fauzi said the restaurant received a Grade B rating for its cleanliness in June 2021 and in January this year.
Consumers are advised to choose premises with the BeSS (clean, safe and healthy) logo when buying food or eating out.
Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah
License Revoked For Pandan Indah Restaurant After Rat Caught Eating Fried Chicken
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