Anwar explains his meeting with Hamas leaders in Doha

Anwar explains his meeting with Hamas leaders in Doha

Anwar explains his meeting with Hamas leaders in Doha
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a press conference after a three-day official visit to Qatar.

DOHA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s meeting with Hamas Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar yesterday sparked various speculations especially since Malaysia’s name has been linked to the channeling of funds to Hamas.

The closed meeting between the Prime Minister and Haniyeh lasted for over an hour while Anwar was on an official visit to Qatar.

When asked about the meeting, Anwar admitted that there was some anxiety among some friends, especially in the West, following their meeting.

In fact, he said before the meeting took place he also referred to the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Hamad Al Thani and the Prime Minister together with his counterpart who is also the Foreign Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, because Qatar is closely related to Hamas and in the process of finding a way towards peace.

“I want to explain once again that we take an independent approach,” he said on the issue.


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“Hamas has the right to defend territories occupied by foreign powers, but we take the approach of supporting peaceful efforts to connect with the political body of Hamas and not get involved in any military activities.

“So this is what we explained (to them) and I believe our friends will raise (the fact) that there is no reason why we cannot have that discussion because Malaysia is a free country,” he said.

He said this to the Malaysian media before ending his three-day visit in Qatar, yesterday before departing for the Kyrgyz Republic to continue his mission of attracting new investment in the Central Asian country.

It is understood that the meeting between the Prime Minister and Haniyeh yesterday was the first face-to-face meeting after Anwar was appointed as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in November 2022.

Anwar added that his meeting with the Hamas leader was also to maintain the good relationship that has been established for a long time.


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“Hamas leaders especially Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal are based in Doha and before, I often met them at home, but now I invite them (to meet).

“On that occasion, I also suggested that Hamas take into account various views in order to find a peaceful and immediate solution, and I saw that the Hamas leadership took a very open attitude towards a solution.

“But (for that to happen) stop the violence of aggression by the Israeli Zionist regime on Gaza and also the areas in the West Bank that continue to be attacked by Israeli groups,” he said.

Malaysia, through a statement issued by Wisma Putra previously announced that it will continue efforts towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as Palestine’s admission as a Full Member of the United Nations (UN).

Anwar also admitted that there is a willingness on the part of Hamas to meet some of the conditions imposed, but unfortunately Israel’s refusal to accept these conditions makes it difficult.


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Previously, Anwar through an upload on Facebook announced the meeting between him and Haniyeh aimed, among other things, at expressing his condolences for the passing of the Hamas leader’s family members who were killed in the brutal bombardment by the Zionist regime, in addition to getting an overview of the situation in Gaza and Rafah which is becoming increasingly severe.

Since the conflict erupted eight months ago, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been killed and injured, with half of the land of Gaza in permanent destruction, due to the brutality of the Zionist regime.

Anwar also insisted that Malaysia will continue to commit to playing its role at the international level to stop the attack on Rafah, while mobilising more efforts to help the victims of the Gaza war, especially in the aspects of humanitarian aid, medicine and education.

Malaysia also appreciates the willingness of Hamas to release prisoners, especially children and women, and to accept the peace plan of the Arab world, the OIC, and the international community.

At the same time, Malaysia urged Israel to stop the massacre of Palestinians, release all Palestinian prisoners and agree to a peace plan.

Anwar explains his meeting with Hamas leaders in Doha




Mahathir meroyan, orang Melayu tidak mahu undi Parti Proksinya di KKB.


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