PM Anwar: Civil service pay hike to balance income gap between those in lower, higher grades

PM Anwar: Civil service pay hike to balance income gap between those in lower, higher grades

PM Anwar: Civil service pay hike to balance income gap between those in lower, higher grades
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim answers questions during an interview with four local television channels, at Seri Perdana, May 1, 2024. — Bernama pic

PUTRAJAYA, May 1 — The salary increase of more than 13 per cent for civil servants, expected to be implemented in December this year, is an effort to balance the income gap between those in lower and higher grades, according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said that, unlike previous administrative approaches, the announcement made today was meant to raise the income of those in the low-income group and reduce the increment for those already in the high-income group.

“For those in the low-income group, their salary increase may reach up to 25 to 30 per cent.

“I’m prioritising those in the low-income group and reducing the salary increase for those in the high-income group,” he said in the Soal Jawab Perdana Menteri programme with four local television channels tonight.

The almost hour-long interview with the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia is hosted by presenters Sayed Munawar Sayed Mustar of RTM, Pasha Abdul Rahim (Bernama TV), Muhammad Zulfitri Yusof (Awani) and Azaria Tagaya (TV3).


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The prime minister said that the increase of more than 13 per cent involves the basic salary rather than allowances, and details about it will be discussed in a Cabinet meeting before a decision is made.

“Although there was a 35 per cent increase introduced before, it was for those at Grade 1 to Grade 16, but overall, this is still among the highest with a very high cost exceeding RM10 billion,” said Anwar, who is also the finance minister.

Describing the announcement made in conjunction with the National Labour Day as an appreciation of the contributions and services of civil servants to the country, the prime minister, at the same time, wants this group to continue to increase productivity in line with the soon-to-be-enjoyed salary increase.

“It is hoped that this will encourage civil servants to work harder and stop being sluggish, lazy, and wasteful. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Police and the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) must be stricter in their enforcement against irregularities or wastage in government departments.

“All ministries need to monitor so that starting from this month, we see improvements in all aspects. The people should not be kept waiting for hours, we need to be efficient, there must be changes, I hope for something better,” he said.


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Earlier, when launching the National Labour Day celebration in Putrajaya, the prime minister said that the salary increase is among the highest and best in history.

Anwar said that under the Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA) being revised, the government will ensure that the minimum income for civil servants exceeds RM2,000 per month.

“Currently, the overall minimum income, which includes salary and fixed allowances, is RM1,795 per month,” he said. — Bernama

PM Anwar: Civil service pay hike to balance income gap between those in lower, higher grades




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